Conception and organisation of conferences and workshops / Conception et organisation de conférences et ateliers
- Interroger l’accès 2: de l’apprentissage à l’action, série de conferences, wébinaires et résidences d’artistes sur l’accessibilité dans les productions artistiques et médiatiques, développée à OBORO en collaboration avec Spectrum Productions et le Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
- Interroger l’accès: ressources pour les artistes et les organismes, une série de conférences et de résidences d’artistes visant à rassembler les outils pour stimuler de meilleures pratiques d’accessibilité dans les domaines des arts visuels et médiatiques / Interrogating access: resources for artists and organisations, a series of conferences and artist residencies aiming to gather the tools necessary to stimulate better access practices in visual and media arts (with OBORO & Spectrum Productions, 2019-2020)
- Biomusic workshop with Spectrum Productions (with Dan Ten Veen and Stefanie Blain-Moraes, McGill University, April 4, 2018)
- Increasing Diversity in Local Tech and Media Organisations: Strategies from the Field (with Media@McGill, February 8, 2018)
- Interfacing Biomusic and Autism: The Everyday Ethics of Representing the Physiology of What Moves Us (with Dr. Melissa Park and Dr. Stefanie Blain-Moraes, Montreal, April 23-25, 2017)
- Beyond Therapy: Situating Art and Design in Healthcare contexts (panel co-chaired with Dr. Mary Hunter, Association of Art Historians conference, Loughborough, UK, April 6-8 2017)
- Aisthesis and the Common: Reconfiguring the Public Sphere / L’Aisthesis et le commun: Reconfigurer l’espace public (with Media@McGill, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, 18-19 March/mars 2016)
- Radical Affordances: Emerging Scholarship, Art, and Activism at the Intersection of Media and Disability Studies (with Media@McGill, March 2015)
- Participatory Medicine (with Media@McGill, February 2014)
- The Participatory Condition (with Media@McGill, November 2013)
- Imaging War, Mediating Conflict: Recent Aesthetic Investigations (with Media@McGill, March 2013)
- The Role of Media in the Arab Spring and its Aftermath: The Special Case of Egypt (with Media@McGill, February 2013)
- The Murdoch Affair and the Leveson Inquiry: A Critical Assessment of the Hackgate Scandal (with Media@McGill, 2012-13)
- Beyond Biotourism: Cross-Pollinations between Art and Medicine (Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Innsbruck, 2009)
Bild, Stimme II / Image, Voice II: Figures of the Audiovisual (eikones, Basel 2009). Co-conception with Sabina Brandt, Maren Butte, and Stéphane Montavon
- Iconotopoi / Bildkulturen (Cultures of the Image): Current Academic Practices in the Study of Images. Joint eikones-McGill graduate conference, McGill Dept. of Art History and Communications Studies (Montreal 2008). Co-conception with the eikones Bild und Wissen [Image and Knowledge] graduate colleagues
- Bild, Stimme: Das Zeigen der Stimme (eikones, Basel 2007). Co-conception with Sabina Brandt, Maren Butte, and Stéphane Montavon.