Selected publications | Publications choisies
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C. Gagné & T. Tembeck (dir. / eds.), Caroline Gagné : Donner corps à l’insaisissable / Embodying the Intangible, Montréal : OBORO, 2022, 94 p. [Recensements : Sophie Drouin, « Être là et sentir le monde », Lettres québécoises 187, hiver 2022 : 79 ; Amélie Guiguère, Vie des arts, 269, 23 janvier 2023.]
D. Barney, G. Coleman, C. Ross, J. Sterne, T. Tembeck, eds. The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age. University of Minnesota Press, 2016. [ Reviews: Gabriela Galati, Leonardo, Avril 2017 ; Daniel Trottier, Surveillance & Society,15(5), 2017: 695-697 ; Jeff Haydon, Canadian Journal of Communication, 43(3), Aug. 2018: 480-482 ; Joan Soler-Adillon, The Communication Review, 21(1), Jan. 2018: 85–88 ; Aleena Chia, International Journal of Communication, 12, 2018: 3427–3430; Laura Simpson Reeves, International Journal of Communication, 12, 2018: 4465–4467 ]
Tamar Tembeck, ed. Auto/Pathographies. Alma: Sagamie édition d’art, 2014. [Eng/Fr]. Texts by / de: Terry Dennett, Angela Ellsworth and Tina Takemoto, Christina Lammer, Andrei Siclodi, Tamar Tembeck. [Recensement : Ariane de Blois, ESSE 83, 2015]
C. Ross, T. Tembeck & T. Tsentas, eds. Conflict[ed] Reporting. Special issue of Photography & Culture, vol. 8, issue 2 (July 2015). ; Table of Contents
Performative Autopathographies: Self-Representations of Physical Illness in Contemporary Art.
Christina Lammer, Tamar Tembeck and Wilfried Wisser. “Matters of the Heart: The Orchestration of Hands in Cardiac Surgery.” In Gianna Bouchard and Alex Mermikides, eds. The Routledge Companion to Performance and Medicine. London: Routledge, 2024, p.166-172.
Tamar Tembeck, “Que fait l’art à l’hôpital ? / What is Art Doing in and to Hospitals?” in Yann Pocreau, Oeuvre Processus / Processus Piece, 2021.
Véro Leduc, Mouloud Boukala, Joëlle Rouleau, Aimee Louw, Ashley McAskill, Catherine Théroux, Sarah Heussaff, Line Grenier, Mélina Bernier, Shandi Bouscatier, Élodie Marcelli, Laurence Parent, Darren Saunders, Tamar Tembeck, Olivier Angrignon-Girouard, Carolyne Grimard. Les pratiques artistiques des personnes sourdes ou handicapées au Canada / Deaf and Disability Arts Practices in Canada. Rapport de recherche / Research report. Conseil des arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts, 2021. Lien vers le rapport en français avec vidéo en LSQ. / Link to report in English with video in ASL.
M. Lavorel & T. Tembeck, “Les forces de l’âge: un projet de documentaire sur le corps vieillissant en arts vivants.” In S. Andus L’Hotellier & F. Vinit (dir.), Présense à soi en danse et en pratiques somatiques [actes de colloque]. Ressouvenances (2020), 115-121.
M. Ariel Cascio, Rossio Motta-Ochoa, Gail Teachman, Florian Grond, Tamar Tembeck, Stefanie Blain-Moraes, Melissa Park, “What’s at Stake With Biomusic? Ethical Reflections on an Emerging Technology,” The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation, Spring 2020, 17 p.
M. A. Cascio, F. Grond, R. Motta-Ochoa, T. Tembeck, D. Ten Veen, S. Blain-Moraes, “Working Together: Ethnographic Observations on Participatory Design Involving Adults with Autism,” Human Organization 79 (1), Spring 2020, 12 p.
Tamar Tembeck & Marie Lavorel, “L’art public en milieu hospitalier,” ARQ: Architecture & Design Québec 189 (déc. 2019): 8-11.
Tamar Tembeck & David Theodore, “Contemporary Art and the Architecture of the CHUM: An Interview with Andrew King,” ARQ: Architecture & Design Québec 189 (Dec. 2019): 14-17.
T. Tembeck, M. Lavorel, “L’Art hospitalier : Médiations d’hospitalités au sein de l’espace de soins,” Cahiers thématiques du LACTH no 18: Hospitalité(s). Espace(s) de soin, de tension et de présence, dir. C. Barrère et C. Grout. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, nov. 2018: 99-111.
T. Tembeck, M. Hunter, “From Queen Victoria to Sausage Pants: Art in the Superhospital.” Canadian Medical Association Journal,
T. Tembeck, “Autopathographies in New Media Environments at the Turn of the 21st Century.” In Carolyn R. Miller and Ashley Kelly, eds. Emerging Genres in New Media Environments. Palgrave Macmillan (2016), 207-233. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40295-6
T. Tembeck, “Selfies of Ill Health: Online Autopathographic Photography and the Dramaturgy of the Everyday.” Social Media + Society, vol. 2., no. 1 (Jan-March 2016). DOI:
C. Ross, T. Tembeck & T. Tsentas. “Introduction: Conflict[ed] Reporting.” Photography & Culture, vol. 8, issue 2 (July 2015): 153-158. DOI: 10.1080/17514517.2015.1076241

Tamar Tembeck, “Re-performer le matrimoine: perspectives et témoignages sur l’héritage féministe en art actuel” Recherches Féministes vol. 27, no. 2 (2014): 21-37.

Tamar Tembeck, “Pathography in Relation: On the Mutual Inflection of Doctor and Patient Identities in Empathography I.” In Christina Lammer, ed. Empathography, 53-65. Vienna: Löcker, 2012.

Stéphane Montavon and Tamar Tembeck, “Scenes for Ears.” In Maren Butte and Sabina Brandt, eds., Bild und Stimme, 20-28. Munich: Fink, 2011.

Tamar Tembeck, “Giving Form to Pathos? On the Articulation of Suffering Experience in Non-Verbal (Auto)Pathographies.” In Peter Holzer et al, eds. An den Grenzen der Sprache. Kommunikation von Un-Sagbarem im Kulturkontakt, 85-99. Innsbruck University Press, 2011.

Tamar Tembeck, “Scars and the Responsibility of Reception.” In Franz Wassermann and Anita Moser, eds. Narben/Scars: Kunstprojekt zu sexueller Gewalt/An Art Project on Sexual Abuse, 72-83. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2011.

Tamar Tembeck, “Performer le réel: Mise en scène et réception du corps souffrant,” Jeu: Revue de Théâtre (135): 42-48, 2010.
Tamar Tembeck, “Exposed Wounds: The Photographic Autopathographies of Hannah Wilke and Jo Spence,” RACAR: Revue d’art canadienne/Canadian Art Review vol. 33, no. 1-2: Medical Tabulae (2008): 87-101. [click for pdf Tembeck_RACAR]

Tamar Tembeck, “Pathographie du Corps Dansant: Modalités de la Représentation Chorégraphique de la Maladie.” In Sylvie Fortin, ed. Danse et Santé: Du Corps Intime au Corps Social, 271-288. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2008.
Tamar Tembeck, “Mona Hatoum’s Corporeal Xenology,” Thresholds (29: Inversions): 59-62, 2005. [click for pdf: Tamar Tembeck – Mona Hatoum’s Corporeal Xenology]

Download .pdf of “Exercise, Expression, Subjectivity” essay [Eng], pp. 107-120.
T. Tembeck, Portfolio: Heidi Barkun, esse arts + opinions 106: 62-65, 2022.
T. Tembeck & M. Lavorel, “Les forces de l’âge : entretien avec le danseur José Navas,” Percées : Explorations en arts vivants, “Corps scéniques, textes, textulaités,” dir. Catherine Cyr & Louis-Patrick Leroux, nos. 1-2, printemps-automne 2019.
T. Tembeck, “Mary Sherman: Dream Mechanics,” Mary Sherman: What if you could hear a painting, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, vol. 21, no. 2, 2016.
T. Tembeck, “Chantal duPont,” esse arts + opinions 86, 2016.
T. Tembeck, “Impressions from Documenta 12,” Locus Suspectus: Uncanny Sites of Visual Culture (5): 42-47, 2007.
T. Tembeck, “Theatre for Education in Oaxaca, Mexico: An Interview with Pedro Guillermo Castellanos Lemus” : Cultural Diversity and the Stage, vol. 3, no. 3, 2005.
T. Tembeck, “Bridging Art with Activism: In Conversation with Gabriel Levine of Le Petit Théâtre de l’Absolu,” : Cultural Diversity and the Stage, vol. 2, no. 4: 6-7, 2003.
T. Tembeck, “Marie Chouinard: Sculpting Solos for Two,” The Dance Current, vol. 5, no. 2: 21-23, 2002.
T. Tembeck, “The Staging of Desire: a Feminist Portrait of Marie Chouinard,” in Estivale 2000: Canadian Dancing Bodies Then and Now. Toronto: Dance Collection Danse: 191-198, 2002.